On writing non-blocking network parsers for attoparsec

Leon Mergen
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2016


The goal of Haskell’s Attoparsec has always been clear: where Parsec provides you with a friendly parser combinator that produces nice error messages, Attoparsec does everything that is possible to give you the best speed possible. Error messages can be cryptic at best: not enough bytes is a common error when you would actually expect a real parse error.

However, when you are able to live with that, Attoparsec does bring real advantages: personally I do not care about raw parser performance that much, but this goal for best performance has had another more interesting effect: it supports incremental parsing.

Incremental parsing

Incremental parsing is ideal for network related programming, where data comes in and you do not know how much data you need to read from the socket beforehand, do not wish to do your own buffering, etcetera: the parser’s state will be the buffer itself! So, this is why I developed a little helper library to help you with this, Network.Attoparsec. It consists of two main interfaces: an incremental one and a singular one.

When you use this library for a little while, and write certain kind of parsers, you might suddenly find yourself in a nasty situation:

Why is my parser blocking?!

After developing the library, a situation I suddenly felt myself in was that my parser seemed to be expecting more input, while the parser should clearly have been in a completed state. Let’s illustrate the problem by writing a small parser ourselves:

1 main :: IO ()
2 main = do
3 let parser = Atto8.string "wombat" <|> Atto8.string "foo"
4 res = Atto.parse parser "foo"
6 putStrLn (show res)

Obviously, when you send the parser the input foo it should complete, or when you send it bar it should fail, right? Then why is attoparsec blocking? Let’s look into the implementation of string:

1 string :: ByteString -> Parser ByteString
2 string s = takeWith (B.length s) (==s)

Wait a minute! Doesn’t that mean… yes. If it is not obvious to you yet, let’s rewrite the first parser to more accurately describe what is happening:

1 takeWith 6 (== "wombat") <|> takeWith 3 (== "foo")

By now the problem should be obvious to you: the parser is blocking because the first option, wombat requests 6 bytes of data from takeWith, even though itshould know for sure that this branch can never match! This is probably done for performance reasons, and is not a problem in a non-incremental world, but since I live in an iterative world, this is a problem for me. So how can we fix this?

The obvious but error-prone solution is to reorder the parsers:

1 string "foo" <|> string "wombat"

This will ensure that the branch with the least required characters will be evaluated first, and as such, for valid input, will always work properly. However, it still does not work for invalid input: what if some evil enemy that is trying to perform a Denial-of-Service attack on your elegant Haskell parser only sends a malicious string, otherwise known as z? Once again the parser is in a blocking state, even though no branches could match. Could we fix this by writing a more secure/strict version of the parser that fails as soon as one character doesn’t match anymore ?

The answer is, why yes, of course we can:

1 safeString :: ByteString -> Parser ByteString
2 safeString = mapM (Atto.satisfy . (==)) . unpack

As you can see here, the solution is threefold:

  1. Unpack the input string as an array of characters: this is done with the unpack statement;
  2. Create a parser for each of these characters: this is done in the Atto.satisfy statement, creating for example three different parsers: [Atto.satisfy (==) ‘f’, Atto.satisfy (==) ‘o’, Atto.satisfy (==) ‘o’]
  3. Transform all those parsers [Parser Char8] into a single Parser [Char8] using mapM which can be applied on the input.

Since StackOverflow suggests I am not the only person running into this problem, I highly encourage the attoparsec team to adopt this implementation of the string parser as an alternative, since it will save many headaches and provides more predictable results. I opened a ticket on Github regarding this issue, but in the meantime you can use this solution.

